Everywhere I’m Going I Ride Trains

Plus a few other measures that matter

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Revelate. We’re in Germany and France this week, enjoying a new favorite pastime, immersing our feet (and all other body parts) in the German spa culture, and seeing one of our favorite bands, Dire Straits, in concert. To get here, we flew into Basel, Switzerland, but since then we’ve been depending on trains to move around, which has been mostly positive and has reminded us again of the fact (as if our recent 30 days there wasn’t enough) that getting anywhere in America is frustrating, time consuming, emotionally draining, and otherwise hard as hell. The sentiment appears to be shared. Fingers crossed it’ll one day get better.  

Caracalla Spa

A few other measures this week I think matter:

  • Speaking of travel, it appears the lifestyles of 12 rich and famous are responsible for more than their fair share of the climate catastrophe happening in the world, out-polluting some 2 million homes with their yachts, private jets, mansions. Names mentioned: Gates. Bezos. Musk. This is the level of hypocrisy we have to deal that I mentioned last week in recounting my mission statement.
  • About all the money: I don’t talk much about dollars and sense here, other than to share the importance of living beneath your means, but one area I’ve struggled with off and on is putting my money where my mouth is. That is investing with a greener, more sustainable world in mind. I’ve tried it before and wasn’t that happy with the cost or impressed by the returns, and while I know, I’m small, small, super-small potatoes compared to the names listed above, I wonder if not us, then who? At least I slept better at night, and that, as the climate activist Bill McKibben suggests, is  symbolism that matters. If anyone has any ideas, I’m all ears. 
  • A gentle plug (not that kind Jenn Rice): If you’re not already following our social media accounts on Facebook or Instagram check them out. They’re called Some Day in Sicily and share the stories of how a couple of midlife expats moved to Sicily to find their place in the world only to discover one another. Afterwards, once you’ve found yourself drawn into the raw, natural beauty of Sicily, stop by Sicily Connect for some great ideas on how to make the most of a visit. In fact, here’s one way to commit yourself to it:
  • All this talk of making the most of a thing brought to mind another practice that seems to be catching on in America. If only we can keep CEOs, the federal government, and other party-poopers out of the way. Napping. Turns out it does a body good. Like really good. If you’re not a fan, you’re not doing it right. Here are some tips.
  • Poetry slam: While we were in the US we picked up a book of poetry by a friend of ours from Philly, Aria D. Matthews, titled Bread & Circus. It’s a very personal collection by the city’s Poet Laureate that presents a direct challenge to the theory shaped by Adam Smith—yes, that Adam Smith—that self-interest is the real key to economic growth. Publisher’s Weekly gave it a starred review, writing that it was “full of humane wisdom, this powerful volume forces readers to acknowledge systemic inequity”. 
  • Last week, I shared the film by a young, independent film maker, Raquel Sancinetti, and the story of her friendship with 107 year-old, Madeleine. The sharp contrasting difference in their ages should not be dismissed simply as some kind of clever, artistic expression. It’s true what they say: the best mirror is an old friend. It reminded me of research I read not that long ago regarding the health benefits of having friends that were both younger and older than you. I can’t recall where exactly, but in digging into the internet, I came across this on a financial planning platform I follow, of all places. And also this award-winning film documenting one couple’s unlikely, tender friendship. See the trailer below or watch the full length on a number of streaming services.   

Thanks for reading. Behind my desk sits just me, unencumbered by shareholders or billionaire owners, trying to cut through the ruwere taught about living to better measure what matters in life. If my writing here seems to be living up to those intentions or otherwise enriches your own life in any way, please consider supporting my work in one of these two ways: 

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Alla prossima,